Bioplus-Probois npo: the Belgian Biocide and Wood Protection Association
The roots of the association date back to 1967 Bioplus-Probois asbl/vzw became effective in June 2012. The member companies are active in the diverse areas of disinfection, material and environmental protection, product conservation and preservation.
The biocide industry is a branch of the chemical & life sciences industry requiring a high technical and high capital investment level. The biocide industry provides essential products to sustain the bio-based economy, to enhance the functional lifetime of production tools, products and materials and to protect our living environment to the benefit of the consumer.
Bioplus-Probois asbl/vzw represents its branch towards public authorities, organisations or the general public on regional, national and European level. It co-operates in a collaborative spirit with authorities, stakeholders and other actors related to our industry.
It is active in the field of production, technology, economy, ecology, the logistic chain and of course sustainable development of our branch.
Bioplus-Probois asbl/vzw members are dedicated to responsible care and to putting high quality products on the market. In addition to science based innovation, they strive to a continuous support and product stewardship for safe, sustainable and efficient use of their product range.
Bioplus-Probois internal organisation
Mr. Raf Leyman
Mr. Jean-Louis Feys
Mr. Danny Gorissen
Mr. Arno Vanoosten
Mr. Peter Jaeken (Secretary-General)
Ms. Andrea Cools (Regulatory Affairs Expert)
Ms. Sigrid Maebe (Communication Expert)
Ms. Vinciane Gervais (Assistant)
Working Group coordinators
WG Bioplus - Mr. Raf Leyman
WG Probois - Mr. Dany Gorissen
Interested in becoming a member?
Feel free to contact the secretariat for our terms and conditions to become full or associated member.
Over Bioplus-Probois
De Belgische vereniging van fabrikanten, formuleerders en verdelers van biociden voor industrieelberoeps- en/of privé-gebruik.
Missie van Bioplus-Probois
We onderhouden constructief de dialoog met bevoegde overheden en andere actoren die nauw betrokken zijn bij onze industrie.

Maak kennis met het dynamische team van Bioplus-Probois!
Bioplus-Probois werkt met een Raad van Bestuur, een Algemene Vergadering en verschillende werkgroepen.